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Global accord on nuclear safety needed urgently - World Energy Council

"A year on from Fukushima disaster, council says safety in nuclear industry should be a 'collaborative, not competitive issue'"


Solar storms: how they are formed and how vulnerable we are

"Solar storms could stop Earth's electric pulse, snuff its lights out and shut down the internet. In 2013 the Sun would spew more fire at us "

Category: Communications, Space


Solar storms: how they are formed and how vulnerable we are

"Solar storms could stop Earth's electric pulse, snuff its lights out and shut down the internet. In 2013 the Sun would spew more fire at us"

Category: Space


UK nuclear sites at risk of flooding, report shows

"Rising sea levels because of climate change put 12 of 19 sites are at risk, unpublished government analysis shows"

Category: Energy sources


Controversial green energy report 'very, very poor', says government economist

"BusinessGreen: Report by AF Consult on renewable energy 'flawed' says government, as sponsor KMPG walks away from its findings"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 321 to 325 out of 2977